Monday, November 29, 2010

Sing Through the Stress No Matter the Weather

The winter season is especially challenging for anyone who sings in public performances. When going out to do my costumed character act, I must usually prepare to acclimatize my voice. The changes in temperature and humidity from inside my car to the home or office venue can be considerable. I try to work in as much time as possible for the adjustment to be made before beginning my routine. Sometimes even with all the best preparation, surprises still occur. I then work it into the act as well as possible. When playing a chicken or gorilla there is a little more room for improvising. That saves the day in most cases. Preparation helps me reduce the stress that can sometimes accompany a performance.
Have you faced this situation? How did you prepare? What were the results?
Leave a comment.

Singing benefits the mind, body, and soul. It helps melt away stress.

•Reduce stress and improve mood

•Lower blood pressure

•Boost the immune system

•Improve breathing

•Reduce perceived pain

•Improve a sense of rhythm

•Promote learning in children

•Forge comforting memories

•Promote communal bonding

•Provide comfort

•Motivate and empower


10 easy ways to cut stress
10 practical ways to reduce stress
Managing stress while singing

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